
Elder scrolls oblivion pc guide
Elder scrolls oblivion pc guide

How to become a vampire a vampire's powers, and weaknesses and problems with being a vampire, are discussed.Ī detailed list of enemies and creatures, along with all of their abilities, is in the section. Types of crimes, being arrested, how much to pay the court, and jailing sentences are talked about. Sneaking, Lockpicking, Mercantile, Acrobatics, Light Armor, and Marksman skills are discussed, along with the art of persuasion. This section also has an all-inclusive list of every spell in the game (except for those you create of course). How to acquire spells, and use magic in combat is discussed.

elder scrolls oblivion pc guide

How to use weapons, and weapon skills, is detailed. A detailed account of Birthsigns, and how to create certain characters that best fit your personal fighting style are discussed. It tells you which races best fit in which Factions.

elder scrolls oblivion pc guide

It works you through how to create an ideal character for you. This section discusses each race's strengths, weaknesses, default abilities, and attributes. Saving Cyrodiil after the break out of the Daedra from the realm of Oblivion, after the death of the Uriel Septim VII, is also discussed.Ĭharacter Classes: Choosing your Race, Gender, Abilities, Skills, and Birthsign It then goes on the talk about Cyrodiil, and the cities that Cyrodiil holds. It gives a little background on the characters such as Mehrunes Dagon.

  • 1.2 Character Classes: Choosing your Race, Gender, Abilities, Skills, and Birthsign.
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    Elder scrolls oblivion pc guide