★ Support international prayer times when youtravel overseas. ★ Full screen and Cool Widget for your Home Screen. ★ Nearby Halal Foodlocation with navigation support. ★ NearbyMasjid location with navigation support. ★Surah Kahfi/Yaasin/Mulk available in Plugins menu. Phone will vibrate when the kiblat direction is correct.★ Integrated with Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia prayer times. ★ Digital magneticCompass using your phone sensor will quickly point to the Kiblatdirection. ★ The next prayer time ishighlighted to easily aware for next prayer. ★ Data sourcefrom E-Solat JAKIM ★ Solat time of Imsak, Subuh, Syuruk, Dhuha,Zohor, Asar, Maghrib and Isyak.

An elegant app, easy and convenient interface for prayer times,kiblat direction and nearby masjid wherever you are.